Welcome to Better Money with 好的赌博软件推荐, 这是一个播客,我们提供来自财务健康专家的可靠建议,帮助你赚钱——和你的生活——更好.
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要输入,请发送邮件至 bettermoney@mofosdx.com with “Staples+5” as the subject line. Please include first and last name and a 电话号码. 每人一项. The contest runs from September 21, 2022 – October 21, 2022.
元素金融将根据奖金随机抽取五(5)名获奖者,并与之联系(如下所示). The winner has 48 business hours to claim the prize. If not claimed, a new winner(s) will be chosen at random. 元素金融对本次比赛的所有决定为最终决定. Prizes are not transferable, assignable, or redeemable for cash. 奖品“按原样”提供。. 元素不负责更换奖品,因为损坏之前, 在运输期间或之后,或超出元素控制的事件. 所有适用的联邦, state, 还有地方税, if any, are the sole responsibility of the contest winner.
获奖者同意公布他们的名字,并在社交媒体上展示. 如果获奖者不接受这些条款,将随机选出新的获奖者. One prize (winner) per person and household.
There are five (5) total winners, prize includes:
Elements does not endorse “Staples+5”, the author, or recipes or concepts or viewpoints included in the book. You may also enter by printing your name, 电话号码, and email address on a 3x5 index card, and mailing the entry (postage prepaid) to: 好的赌博软件推荐, c/o为“更好的钱与元素金融主食+5书赠送比赛” 东南街225号,300套房, Indianapolis, IN, 46202. Elements保留随时修改或终止要约的权利. Contest is VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. 由NCUA联邦保险